Sunday, January 31, 2010

Nothing to write about

So I have nothing to really write about, but for some reason feel compelled to begin putting down some words anyways. At my new residence, we have so many opportunities to do things not possible where I previously resided. Today was a gorgeous day by any account. Mid 30's, sunny, and snow on the ground provided the groundwork for a few great hours of cross country skiing. We have a wonderful "course" aptly named silvermoon. One night while telemark skiing I slammed my knee into my ski taking off a layer of the topcoat on my ski pants. By the time I arrived back at my house I could barely bend my knee, and it hurt like crazy. I'm talking about the hurt were not even moving, you bend over and writhe in the pain, twisting and turning. Now I am a firm believer that recovering from injuries is made easier with some activity, getting the blood flowing through injured areas, and loosening up swollen bruises. I can not say that I have any medical training, or research to document this theory, but it has always worked for me.

Luckily we had some liquor at the house so I had a few vodka-tonics to ease the pain, and since it was still snowing outside there was no other moral choice but to put on the xc skis and go explore. The exploration was a raving success, a great workout, and therapeutic for my knee. Towards the end of my gawky ski session, the snow stopped and the moon peaked out. The reflection of the moon on my skis, and the tracks of packed down snow seemed oddly silver....or was that the vodka-tonics?

The snow last night made the day session unbelievably good. Josh, Forrest and I found some new trails, did the classic uphills and downhills, and even a jump here and there. Halfway through we stopped and had frozen slush beers, and continued to enjoy the day. We felt liberated and free compared to the bundled up drivers we would occasionally see going down the road. Wearing one layer and sweating while laughing with friends is incomparable to sitting in a cold automobile, thinking the sweating kids are crazy. I hope the snow sticks around a little longer so we can track it up again tomorrow and for days to come.

Thus concludes my sloppy array of run-on sentences!

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